Let us help you get started raising Dorper sheep. The Dorper originated in South Africa in the 1930's. The breed was developed for the harsh desert range conditions. They are considered the best and hardiest of all meat breeds. Dorpers are non-seasonal breeders and can easily lamb every eight months.
We also make our living raising cattle and many types of exotic deer and antelope as well as African hoofstock. You can call on us for advice on all aspects of the ranching business. We can help you avoid costly mistakes when it comes to fencing, feeding, livestock water planning, and animal husbandry. Planning how to market your animals is another area of expertise we can offer. With experience in direct marketing of meat and livestock as well as knowledge of conventional marketing channels and exporting Half-Circle Six Ranches has done it all. Whether you want to raise Dorper sheep or create your own African Savannah we’ve done it and we can help.